Born in Lviv, Ukraine

Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY


2015   MFA, Bard College, Film/Video

2006   BFA, Pratt Institute, Computer Graphics and Interactive Media 

Fellowships, Awards and Residencies

2023-24   Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program, Brooklyn, NY

2023   Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Sound Art Residency, Omaha, NE

2021 Guggenheim Fellowship

2020   NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship in Digital/Electronic Arts

2020   Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Emergency Grant

2020   Pioneer Works Technology Residency, Brooklyn, NY  

2020   Yaddo, Named Recipient of The Milton and Sally Michel Avery Residency for a Visual Artist, Saratoga Springs, NY

2019   Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Emergency Grant, New York, NY

2019   MacDowell Fellowship, Peterborough, NH

2018   Millay Artist Residency, Austerlitz, NY

2018   VCCA Resident Artist Fellow, Amherst, VA 

2017   Bronx Museum AIM Fellowship, New York, NY

2017   Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning, Artist in Residence, Queens, NY

2016   MASS MoCA, Artist in Residence, North Adams, MA

2016   New Work Grant, Eastern State Historic Site, Philadelphia, PA

2015   On our Radar, Creative Capital

2015   BRIC Media Arts Fellowship, Brooklyn, NY

2012   Artist Residency, Contemporary Artists Center, Troy, NY

Selected Solo and Two-Person Exhibitions and Screenings

2024   …the end and the beginning, Spencer Brownstone, New York, NY

2022   The tenacity of a fluid trace, Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, NY

2022   The fields would slowly overtake you, CPM Gallery, Baltimore, MD

2022   Air Anxiety, Dat Bolwerck, Zutphen, Netherlands

2020   Cinereous, Remote Viewing, Philadelphia, PA 

2019   Stone Soup, Sunview Luncheonette, Brooklyn, NY

2019   A Continuous Stream of Occurrence, Knockdown Center, Queens, NY  (two-person show with William Lamson)

2018   Longcat, In-Between Theories, Digital Online Project

2017   Soon enough roads will be rivers, LUBOV Gallery, New York, NY 

2017   Subdominant,  Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning, Queens, NY 

2016   It takes 9 minutes to make a revolution, Carver Center for Art and Technology, Baltimore, MD 

2016 - 2017 Institute of Corrections, Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site, Philadelphia, PA

Selected Group Exhibitions and Screenings

2022   This is not an ideal time, Cindy Rucker Gallery, New York, NY

2021   Systems Entwined, Cuchifritos Gallery, New York, NY

2020   A Faint Hum, Hessel Museum of Art, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

2019   Solstice, Flux Factory, Queens, NY 

2019   Solar Flashback, 26 Fulton Street, New York, NY 

2019   Public Spaces, Clemente Soto Velez, New York, NY 

2018   Overflow, Special Special, New York, NY 

2018   Banned Words, PAD project, New York, NY

2017   CIM, Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, Chicago, IL 

2017   Bronx Museum Biennial, Bronx, NY 

2016 - 2017  CIM,  Ukrainian Museum in New York, New York, NY

2016   A Certain Tension, Artists' Television Access, San Francisco, CA

2015   FotoFono, Brooklyn, NY

2015   RESPOND, Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, NY

2014   Social Photography IV, Emily Harvey Foundation, New York, NY 

2014   Current Conditions, Apexart, New York, NY

2014   The Last Brucennial, 837 Washington Street, New York, NY

2013   Carbon Copied Continuum, Terminal Projects, Brooklyn, NY 

2011   Migrating Forms, Anthology Film Archives, New York, NY

2010   convocatorias Espacio Enter, Tenerife Space of the Arts, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

2010   Kunstfilmtag, Unsharpness of the documentary, WP8, Auditorium of the Malkasten, Düsseldorf, Germany

2010   Tel Quel, Video Dumbo Festival, Brooklyn, NY   

2009   Archetime Conference Exhibition on Time, The Tank, New York, NY

2008   International Movies and Stills, Basis Gallery, Frankfurt, Germany

2007   Scanners, New York Video Festival, Lincoln Center, New York, NY

2007   Zero Gravity, Video Dumbo Film Festival, Brooklyn, NY 

2007   The Luminists, Art in General, New York, NY

2007   Animex Festival, Middlesbrough, UK

Lectures and Public Engagements

2022   NADA, Ukrainian Artists in the Eight Years of War

2022   Pelham Arts Center, Pelham, NY

2022   Brooklyn Rail, zoom artist panel, New York, NY

2021 Visiting Artist Talk, Columbia University, New York, NY

2021  Separate Sundays, Pioneer Works, Brooklyn, NY

2020  Visiting Artist Talk, The New School, New York, NY

2020  Visiting Artist Talk, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 

2019   Visiting Artist Talk, Parsons School of Design, The New School, New York, NY

2018   Artist Panel Talk, Trans-cen-der Art Group, Brooklyn, NY

2018   Visiting Artist Talk, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 

2018   Visiting Artist Talk, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA

2018   In between theories, Guest Artist Podcast Interview

2017   Artist Walkthrough, Bronx Museum, Bronx, NY 

2017   Lecture/Presentation, JCAL, Queens, NY

2017   Artist Panel Talk, Ukrainian Museum in New York, New York, NY

2016   Visiting Artist Talk, Carver Center Gallery, Baltimore, MD

2007   Artist Talk, Art in General, New York, NY

Bibliography and Press

Ross, Laurence. “A Case for Action: CPM’s New Edition Project with Luba Drozd.” BmoreArt, 28 June 2023, 

Volk, Gregory. “Two sparse Brooklyn exhibitions probe the elemental forces of life.” Hyperallergic, 3 Nov. 2022,

“Groundless Sound: Luba Drozd at CPM Gallery.” BmoreArt, 6 Sept. 2022,

Drozd, Luba, “Air Anxiety.” F Magazine, vol. 11 “Intimacy”, May 2022

Bishara, Hakim. “Ukrainian Artists Speak out as Invasion Intensifies.” Hyperallergic, 9 Mar. 2022,

Wagner, Jasmine Dreame. Symptom of Society: Luba Drozd's PPE Fabrication Initiative, BOMB Magazine, 21 May 2020,

Burgis, Ben. “We Shouldn't Need GoFundMe to Respond to Catastrophes. We Need a Strong Welfare State.” Jacobin, 11 May 2020,

Green, Jeff. “America’s Garage Hobbyists Fight the Pandemic With 3D Printers.” Bloomberg, 22 Apr. 2020,

Chapman, Glenn. “Crowdfunding Fills Gaps For Virus-Displaced Workers.” International Business Times, 11 Apr. 2020,

Postrel, Virginia. “Medical Face Masks: An Illustrated History.” Bloomberg, 10 Apr. 2020,

Meier, Allison. “Members of the Pratt Community Sew Masks and 3D-Print Face Shields to Combat COVID-19.” Pratt Institute, 7 Apr. 2020,

Sosa, Anabel. “Hero of the Day: Artist Luba Drozd Making Face Shields for Hospitals.” New York Post, 3 Apr. 2020,

Levine, Deborah. “No, Mr. President, Healthcare Workers Aren't Stealing Masks. You Failed Them.” The Washington Post, 30 Mar. 2020,

Jacobs, Andrew, and Rachel Abrams. “Hive Mind of Makers Rises to Meet Pandemic.” The New York Times, 30 Mar. 2020,

Perlin, Jenny, The Hoosac Institute Journal #3 N.p., September 2019

EDNA 2018, Millay Colony, August 2019, p23 

D'Agostino, Paul. “Nota Bene with @Postuccio [Iv].”  Art Spiel, 29 Mar. 2019,

WERKS Spring 2018: International Contemporary Art Magazine (Volume 1), June 2018, Print

“Goings on About Town.” The New Yorker, 4 Sept. 2017,     

Bronx Calling: The Fourth AIM Biennial exhibition catalog, Bronx: Bronx Museum, 2017, p. 56. Print

Graves, Cassidy Dawn. “Light-Soaked Galleries, Meditative Street Ads, and More Art Exhibitions.”  Bedford + Bowery, 16 May 2017 

CIM exhibition catalog. New York: The Ukrainian Museum, 2016.  Pp. 12-21, 80-83. Print

Steinhauer, Jillian. “After a Call for Change, Artists Respond.” Hyperallergic, 13 Feb. 2015,   

Ast, Olga. Infinite Instances: Studies and Images of Time. Brooklyn: Mark Batty, 2011, p. 40-41. Print

Crean, Melanie. Melanie Crean: The Luminists: Art in General New Commissions Program. New York: Art in General, 2010. Print

Teaching Experience:

2019   Pratt Institute, Department of Digital Arts, Brooklyn, NY

            Introduction to 3D practices for artists, Graduate Level

2018   Pratt Institute, Department of Digital Arts, Brooklyn, NY

            Introduction to 3D practices for artists, Graduate Level

            Post Production, Undergraduate Level 

           3D modeling, Undergraduate Level

2018   NYU, Tandon School of Engineering, Brooklyn NY

            3D Animation, Undergraduate Level

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